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Operational Ministries | Help keep the parish functioning

What we do:

The operational ministries are the behind-the-scenes core of keeping the parish running. These range from maintaining the grass cutting and the snow shoveling to the technology of the virtual ministry that has become a vital part of our parish community. Our Campus Care oversees the maintenance and upkeep of the campus.  The Technology Ministry, our newest ministry, has grown exponentially during the pandemic. From cameras to soundboards to live streaming and Facebook, all of this technology is the future of the church. If we are to be a part of the future, we must embrace this technology. Finance Council is our voice in the prudent spending of the parish resources while at the same time ensuring the doors remain open. Parish Council is our voice in the planning and implementing the vision set forth by the Pastor. Finally, the Leadership Team is a select group of volunteers that directly support the Pastor in setting forth a strategic direction for the parish. These operational ministries provide stability and a vision for us as parish community.

Get Involved

Leadership Team

Lead: Fr. Mark Begly

Parish Council

Lead: Jovel Segear

Finance Council

Lead: Ed Sheehan


Lead: Logan Peterson

Campus Care

Lead: Andrew Wolf